Sue & Tim - Houchins, Coggeshall

Wow! The Essex weather certainly did us all proud for Sue & Tim’s wedding last month.

At the time little did we know how long the amazing temperatures would last! Not looking so hot now but we aren't allowed to complain are we............ 


It was Carly and I working together for the whole day this time, Sue and Tim didn’t want to miss a thing and would you believe we can work all day together and not argue once! 

The day started with us both going to Houchins to meet Sue with her sister Ange, her mum, daughter Holly and nephew Jack. It was all go but still very relaxed with the bridal party, there was definitely a lot of excitement in the air.


I went off to meet Tim with his best man (and soon to be brother in law) Nick and Tims 2 sons who were ushers, leaving Carly with the girls…and Jack. 

The day went fantastically. Sue looked amazing, the details were beautiful and you could see just how much thought and hard work had gone into everything. 


The staff at Houchins made it so easy for Carly and I to do our job, we love to work well with the venues team but the guys at Houchins took it to the next level. All of the couples guests seemed to have an absolute blast! 

So, all in all what an amazing day with laughter, tears, dancing, food, drinks, sun, Lycra, an illuminated codpiece…and love, lots of love!


Sue & Tim, thank you for being so wonderful! You both made sure we were looked after throughout the whole process, which is actually what we are supposed to be doing for you! We were fed so well I had to move my belt one notch. It always makes our day when we can be part of a wedding so filled with love and joy.

We wish we could do it all again!

James & Carly x